German Mom

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween

Since our Halloween day is about over, but it hasn't started yet in the States I thought that I would share what we did tonight. Here in Germany, Halloween is not celebrated. They have decorations in the store but that is as far as it goes. So, we still try to pass on the traditions to our children so they can have memories.
After dinner, Jeff sat downstairs and carved the pumpkin with the kids. Sometimes Sarah was off in her little world as she did not fully understand the whole carving experience.

Now the carving and digging out the insides, the best part as far as I am concernerd. However, Sarah just couldn't bring herself to touch the goo.

Then it was time to do our "trick or treating". Everyone claimed a room and waited for someone to come by asking for a treat. We did this about four years ago and the kids begged us to do it again. They really had a fun time going door to door. After everyone had a turn they posed infront of the pumpkin ready to eat their loot. I had made a batch of carmel corn earlier in the day and we are now enjoying snacking on that and playing games. The kids get to stay up late tonight because tomorrow IS a holiday here for us- All saints day!

Friday, October 26, 2007

Favorite Foto Friday

The girls have really played well together this week. They chase eachother and Anna loves to read to Sarah. I came downstairs the other night and saw Anna lovingly reading to her baby sister. I was able to grab the picture. Sweet memories!

Monday, October 22, 2007

Jeff's Office

I have been meaning to capture some pictures of Jeff in his new office but I always seem to forget my camera when I am on campus. On Friday, Sarah and I went to the High School chapel because the elementary choir were performing there. Unfortunately, all the pictures came back very dark. So, after chapel, Sarah and I wandered up to the Assistant to the Principal's office to see what was going on. We found Jeff busy typing an e-mail requesting that the heat be turned on in the buildings. Such power he holds!

Sarah was waiting for daddy to finish his work so he could play with her for a moment before we left. She likes to explore everything on his desk.

Another shot of his office from the door. Not very exciting I know but it is "his space".

Just when Jeff had a moment to say hi and play with Sarah, a student stopped by requesting to reserve a room for an activity and his phone rang. Time for us to wave a quick goodbye and let him get back to his busy day.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

USA vs. Switzerland

Well, Jeff and the kids made it home last night from a fun time in Basel. Here are some pictures of the soccer game they attended with about 200 other BFA people.

Excited fans before the start of the game.

Some of the playing action on the field. USA is in the red uniforms.

A portion of the BFA group on hand to cheer for team USA. Several of the MK's also brought flags from the countries that their parents work in to wave and the Swiss security were quick to take those away and only allow the US flag.

Anna and friend Hannah continue to show pride in America. Hannah came dressed as the Statue of Liberty. Anna enjoyed trying on her hat.

Still smiles after the game, riding the street car back to the parking lot. Team USA won 1-0!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Weekly Update

Sorry for the lapse in posts, I guess I have been busy and too tired to post anything new. But we are still alive a kicking around here - especially the little one currently living in me! Last Friday, Jeff and Jacob went on an over night father/son campout with the 5th grade and his teacher. I can't even tell you how excited Jacob was to do this. He was looking forward to it all week. Jeff said that it was a fun time to bond with Jacob and get to know the other dad's as well even though it was very cold out. I was glad to have my nice bed with flannel sheets to sleep in and not a tent! Of course they returned home very tired from their experience but full of good memories.
Tonight, Jeff is taking Jacob and Anna to Basel to watch the U.S. men's soccer team play against the Swiss national team. This is a BIG event for us here at BFA. Our school bought a huge block of tickets and Jeff was able to secure some at the last minute. It will be a late night for them with school pictures in the morning. I am not looking forward to that, but I hope they can all bounce back in the morning. Anna and I agreed on an outfit last night which is becoming more and more difficult to do these days , so at least for one more year I have gotten my way! Sorry no pictures, maybe I can post some tomorrow after the soccer game.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Somthing every mom can relate to

Every Tuesday four other friends and I get together to try to discuss a book that we are reading. I say try because we bring our pre schoolers with us and it is loud. In our community, it is hard to find childcare so the "moms" are left on their own to support eachother. Don't get me wrong, it is still a great time for us to connect but not on the deep level that we would like. However, we still manage to pray for eachother sometimes above the noise of little ones running around. Anyway, I found this video on You Tube which is very funny. So for all of you mom's out there, enjoy this fun look at a mom's day.

Concert Review

On Friday we went up to Karlsruhe about two hours north from here to see Michael W. Smith in concert. Our German friends Dirk and Elvira invited us to join them. It was a nice evening. Michael sang many songs from his worship CD and it was neat to see so many Germans singing praises to the Lord. He also did many songs from his new albums. It was loud but fun. Here are a few pictures from the evening.

Waiting for Michael to come on stage a picture of the rowdy concert goers, Jeff, Dirk and Lisa his daughter. This was Lisa's first concert. I told her my first concert was to see Michael W. Smith perform in Portland back in 1986 when I was her age. Boy did I feel old! See the cup that Jeff is holding, after the concert, Dirk collected a ton of them laying around to arena and received 20 cents per cup when he returned them. He made enough money to buy a CD.

Jeff and I managed to get up front and snap a few pictures unfortunately, we were standing in front of the speakers. Jeff was worried that I was damaging the baby's hearing. It was a fun evening with my husband.

Thursday, October 04, 2007


Yesterday was the anniversary of the day that Germany offically became reunified between East and West. We enjoyed a day off from school too! When it is a holiday here, nothing is open and you do not do any yard work or laundry of any kind. You simply rest. This is still a concept that we are getting use to. Some families I heard traveled across the boarder to France to do some shopping since it wasn't a holiday there but we just stayed put. We were invited over to some German friends home for a belated pasta meal that was postponed from a previous date. Our friends twin boys have recently joing the junior voulnteer fire fighter bridgage in Kandern. I still don't understand the concept as it seems that every young boy between the age 13 and 16 must do this but it appears to be a city club as well. They let Jacob and and Sarah try on their outfits before they left.

After playing a few card games we ate some ice cream and then left to put Sarah down for her nap.
Tomorrow night, Jeff and I will be traveling with these same friends to a Michael W. Smith concert. They invited us to go with them so I am interested to see what they think of this American guy dancing about on the stage. It should be fun. The kids are going to be look after by a couple from our church so we have free babysitting. We plan to get back very late from the concert and I hope to have some pictures taken to post on my next blog.

Monday, October 01, 2007

Toddler on the Loose

I give up, Sarah has offically begun the terrible two stage. Regularly she is pushing the boundaries that I place in front of her. She has begun the little tantrums in public places. I am almost to big to bend over and pick her up, but then my super mommy strength kicks in and somehow I have the power of ten men muscleing her outside only to pay for it in back pain for the rest of day. Today, as we were grocery shopping, she decided to pick up every single item that I placed in my shopping basket. Sometimes she would try to take a bite of the raw meat that I just ordered from the butcher. Or pick up a heavy can of vegtables. Every time I took the item away a protest would begin. Did I mention that she is fast too. Well, I turned my back one second to pick out some frozen broccoli and by the time I turned around she had taken the carton of eggs and turned the whole thing upside down displacing the eggs in my shopping basket within the shopping cart. Fortunately non broke! I don't know what I would have done if ten eggs where broken all over the floor of the store, I probably would have had a break down right then and there. I bet I would have to still ay for them too! Arrg so, I am learning again about paitience and loving a toddler again whose favorite phrase at the moment is "no mommy!"