German Mom

Monday, September 25, 2006

Weekend Wrap up

We enjoyed another nice weekend with warm temps and sunshine. This allowed us to be out and about enjoying various school related activities. On Saturday, our school hosted a home Cross country and volleyball meet. Several DODDS schools traveled down to our area to compete. I spent most of my time watching the girls play volleyball mainly because the Cross Country course was not stroller friendly. Here is a picture of Sarah with one of her favorite High School friend- Ann- spending time together and Anna with her friend Caylie.

After our lady falcons won, we decided to get some lunch at the concession stand. Here is Anna enjoying her Chesseburger.

Of course Jacob was there too, and he was really thirsty after riding his scooter around and playing with his friends. He really liked this drink.

On Sunday, we were invited over to the Liel dorm for dinner after church. Liel is the C&MA owned dorm for missionary kids. Currently, there are 11 middle school kids living there. Phil and Melissa Ardnt are the dorm couple. They were missionaries to Russia for 8 years before coming here to BFA. We really enjoyed the afternoon of eating good food and visiting with the staff and kids there.

Friday, September 22, 2006

What a view

From the back deck of our home, we have a sweeping view of our surrounding landscape. I never get tired of it especially on sunny warm days. From this picture you can see the fields and winding roads of our corner here in Germany. At night, in the distance, we can see the lights of nearby Basel Switzerland. I can't wait to see the beautiful fall colors that will start popping up in a few weeks.

Monday, September 18, 2006

walking in the clouds

On Saturday, Jeff went on his annual trek through the Black Forest with his Nordic Walking buddies. They began at 8 am and altogether walked 42k, that is approximately 24 miles. It took them around 8 hours to complete. Jeff was tired but excited to share about his adventure when he got back. Here are a few pictures that he snapped along the way.
First off, group photo to mark the beginning of the day. Here are Jeff with his two German buddies, Frank and Dirk.

Once on the trial, the group stops to enjoy the sights. It was not a very clear day, but you can tell how high up they were walking. They were actually above the fog of the valley.
If it were a clear day, then you could make out the Swiss Alps in this next picture better. But if you look closely you can see the ridge of the Alps outlined.
This is my favorite picture of the day. It really conveys the joy that Jeff gets from walking and spending time with his friends. I think it really says alot and I like the distance it was taken at. What do you think?

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Birthday girl

Today marks the 8 month birthday of Sarah. We were all waiting to sing to her this morning before everyone left for school. Wouldn't you know it that this is the one morning when she decided to sleep in! Jeff missed seeing her but Jacob and Anna sang to her as they were leaving to walk down to the bus stop. She is a very happy baby and enjoys laughing alot. We are happy that she is a part of our family. Happy 8 month birthday sweet Sarah Ruth!

Monday, September 11, 2006


Here it is again, the only time that our sleeply little town of Kandern looks alive- Bundenfest! Every year this time, various clubs set up food boths in order to raise money and promote their club. You can buy home made crepes from the wrestling club or support the Witches by buying what else but alcohol. Here is a sampling of what we did. First we stopped and posed infront of a bundle of balloons . Then Anna decided that she wanted to purchase a pretzel necklas from a both. I'm sorry to say that I don't know which club this went to support. But here is the picture any way.
Can you guess what we are standing in line to buy from the according club? Read the menu and guess what the choices are.

Here is Jacob showing off what we bought for our lunch. A nice wurst and yummy piece of bread that you place the wurst in and eat like a hotdog. Were you right with the food choice?

This is one of my favorite things about living in Europe - the city centers. As we were walking back to our car, there were no cars on the streets and the stores were all closed because it was a Sunday. It was peaceful and I never get tired of seeing the pretty flowers decorating the town fountains, or hearing the church bells ring every hour.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Three little Monkeys in my bed

The other morning, I was in my usual routine of getting everyone up and ready for school. After I went into the kitchen to make coffee, I headed back to our bedroom to get my husband's clothes out. That is when I noticed three happy children playing in our bed. I couldn't resist, so I ran and got my camera to take this adorable picture of them playing. My youngest daughter, Sarah absolutely loves her big brother Jacob and sister Anna. She wonders why it is so quiet during the day when they are in school. I had to post this picture because I know that it is a memory that I will always want to remember and I thought that I would share it with you. Now if only they could stay friends all day! So getting them all out the door by 8:25 is no small task. When everyone is gone, that is when I finally get to my cup of coffee and finally wake up for the day!

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Interesting food choices

No matter how long I live oversees, I continue to see interesting things that make me go hmm. This past summer, when our family was in the States, many of my friends asked me what the baby food was like here in Germany. Since my daughter at the time was just being introduced to it, I could only reply with, "same as here." However, since I have been back in Germany and with the purchasing of many different baby foods for her, I would like to change my answer. She does not like cauliflower and potatoes. I had to throw the jar away after three spoonful attmepts. Then this last week I was shopping in the baby aisle when I spied a jar of shoko ( chocolate) for babies from age six months and up- Umm excuse me but I don't think so. I decided to take a picture to capture the moment.
Obviously, the expression on my daughter's face is one of eager interest in trying this "meal". I got many curious stares from my fellow shoppers around me. What do you think? Would you feed this to your child?

Monday, September 04, 2006

Needs some help

Okay, I will admit I am new to this blogging. So I have to wait for my post to come up. Now I know that! Thank you for being paitient with me. I am on my way to meet my husband at our school. We have a meeting with my son's fourth grade teacher. I pray that we are able to assess if he will need ESL or not after three years in the German system. Maybe on the way to the meeting, we can stop by the electric haus in town and set up an appoinment to have someone come over and install our satelite. I am missing my Fox News!
Thank you all for your patience as I learn how this system works.
First Post!

Here it is! I have decided to make the leap and join the faithful in blogging. I am not sure yet why I am doing this, I think to share about my life in Germany as a missionary and mother of three. I hope who ever reads this will enjoy it and can somehow benefit from it.
