
Here it is again, the only time that our sleeply little town of Kandern looks alive- Bundenfest! Every year this time, various clubs set up food boths in order to raise money and promote their club. You can buy home made crepes from the wrestling club or support the Witches by buying what else but alcohol. Here is a sampling of what we did. First we stopped and posed infront of a bundle of balloons . Then Anna decided that she wanted to purchase a pretzel necklas from a both. I'm sorry to say that I don't know which club this went to support. But here is the picture any way.

Can you guess what we are standing in line to buy from the according club? Read the menu and guess what the choices are.
Here is Jacob showing off what we bought for our lunch. A nice wurst and yummy piece of bread that you place the wurst in and eat like a hotdog. Were you right with the food choice?
This is one of my favorite things about living in Europe - the city centers. As we were walking back to our car, there were no cars on the streets and the stores were all closed because it was a Sunday. It was peaceful and I never get tired of seeing the pretty flowers decorating the town fountains, or hearing the church bells ring every hour.

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