Interesting food choices

No matter how long I live oversees, I continue to see interesting things that make me go hmm. This past summer, when our family was in the States, many of my friends asked me what the baby food was like here in Germany. Since my daughter at the time was just being introduced to it, I could only reply with, "same as here." However, since I have been back in Germany and with the purchasing of many different baby foods for her, I would like to change my answer. She does not like cauliflower and potatoes. I had to throw the jar away after three spoonful attmepts. Then this last week I was shopping in the baby aisle when I spied a jar of shoko ( chocolate) for babies from age six months and up- Umm excuse me but I don't think so. I decided to take a picture to capture the moment.
Obviously, the expression on my daughter's face is one of eager interest in trying this "meal". I got many curious stares from my fellow shoppers around me. What do you think? Would you feed this to your child?
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