Not how I wanted to spend The Day
Today I ended up spending the afternoon at my new dentist office. Yesterday after returning from a cleaning, part of my tooth had broken off. I endured 24 hours of discomfort only to face an hour more in getting it repaired. It turns out, that this was the same tooth that chipped only a week before Joshua was born. And now almost two years later, more of my tooth came broke off. My two options this time, place a crown on it, or repair it with another stronger filling. Considering our money situation at this time, I opted for the later and am now nursing a throbing right side of my mouth. I hope this doesn't mean that I will need dentures before I hit 50!
At 9:42 PM,
Child of God said…
That sounds dreadful, Kathy. Hopefully this solution will get you by for a few decades.
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