Things That Go On Behind My Back
I feel that I am pretty on top of things in knowing what my children are doing when they are home. I don't have eyes behind my head, but I have a good sense of what the little ones are into at a certain time of the day. I guess this morning, I got lazy. First of all, I forgot that it was the last late start fot Jacob and Anna. I got them up at their normal time then realized they go in an hour later, oops, back to bed kids. After breakfast, I decided to dry my wet hair. I thought, I have time today since there is no made rush to get the kids out the door. So I was enjoying the quiet in the house. There was no little one holding on to my leg while I dried my hair such joy for me! As I came out of the bathroom I called for Joshua whom I assumed had been in the living room with Jacob. Instead I was greeted by a happy boy covered all over with chocolate Nutella spread.
It seems that he pulled the jar off the table and just dug in with his hands to enjoy a sweet chocolate moment.
So, I gathered him up and had him sit in the bathtub to finish his brotchen in peace.

Nothing like hosing your child off in the morning after they spread chocolate all over!
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