Spring Concert and Art Show
Sorry for the blurry picture, but I was in the back and holding Joshua on one hip while I tried to take a picture of Jeff.
During the concert, the High School choir sang some fun songs. They performed a set of "secular" songs. One song was called "My heart will go on". Made famous in the movie Titanic. During the song, a set of pictures were flashed on the screen of couples at BFA whose "heart's will go on". So, we were one of the "lucky" ones to be displayed. Kind of cheesy but fun to see.
After the concert, there was a display of student artwork from the year to view. Our Anna had two pieces of Art on display. I think they are very good. I even heard someone complement them. Anna wasn't even with us. She wanted to go to the local swimming pool instead with friends- go figure.
At 7:39 AM,
Child of God said…
Those are awesome! She has some serious talent there.
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