German Mom

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Swiss Girl

On Tuesday, Anna gave a report to her third grade class on the country of Switzerland. Each student was asked to pick a country and give some interesting facts about it. Anna chose Switerland since her great great grandma Schartz came from there. She was a bit nervous and asked if I could sit up by her as she shared. Towards the end of her report, she shared some samples of cheese and chocolate with the class while they listened to some yodeling music.

Anna reading a story about her great great grandma who left her home in Keisen Switzerland to travel alone to America at the age of 13.

Anna quizzing the class on the country of Switzerland.

Anna posing with her food samples before she passes them out in her Swiss dress.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Updates in Photos

We have been enjoying grandma and grandpa getting adjusted to our home here. Here are a few random photos that grandpa has taken so far of their time here with us.

Papa just couldn't resist getting a picture of Sarah's backside with a bee on it.

Trying to get organized with moving the clothes to the right rooms and getting all of the baby items out and sorted. I waited until I had help to do this.

Anna practicing her piano numbers. So far, no complaints from the downstairs neighbors!

Dad already jumping into his role at BFA by keeping those medical records in order.

Thursday, November 22, 2007


Last night, the girls helped grandma prepare making the pies for our Thanksgiving dinner. We plan to have our tradtional meal on Friday since it will be a teacher work day and the kids will be home all day from school. So last night, Anna and Sarah had fun helping grandma Mary make the pie crusts. Today we will finish the pies and then finally get to enjoy eating them tomorrow! We also got a fun Thanksgiving package in the mail from Jeff's parents. That is always a treat for us. To our family and friends in America, have a Happy Thanksgiving day!

Monday, November 19, 2007


Every Monday morning at BFA, there is a 10 minute devotional for the entire student body to attend before first period. Usually someone from the administration level is in charge of giving the talk. Jeff was asked to share this week. He spent a large portion of the weekend preparing for his talk. He wanted to tie into a missions conference that was taking place over the weekend. He focused on how students can share their gifts with others and use their gifts to serve God. When he was rehersing his talk with me last night, he brought up a story about how he wished he could have been more talented in Basket ball in jr. high. I suggested that he maybe show some pictures of his "glory days". So He phoned his parents and they were able to find some photos and scan them to us. Here he is while he is sharing during talk explaining to the student body why basketball is not his talent area.

I heard reports that he did a good job with his talk. There were many staff also present so I am sure that it was somewhat intimadating for him.

Friday, November 16, 2007


Last Sunday, five of us moms who regularly get together on Tuesday for a support group decided to go out to tea. There is a quaint English tea garden only ten minutes from our house that I had never been to. When we met at the resturant, I was surprised that my friends wanted to bless me with some small gifts for me- not the baby. It was all signed from the "mom's club". I was given money to use to purchase anything from the country store at the tea garden really cute things. I chose an elegant candle holder with a huge non dripping candle It looks so nice in my dining room. I was also given a gift certificate to a store to purchase any piece of clothing after baby comes. I was truly surprised that my friends would do something so thoughtful for me. We have only been getting together for maybe two months so I guess that is why I didn't expect this blessing. To make it extra special too, my mom was able to come and be a part of the afternoon. It is really hard to keep and deepen relationships on the mission field as everyone is always "passing through". So I guess that is why this is extra special to me. Friends are great no matter where you live in the world!

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Family Celebrations

We are happy to welcome Grandma and Grandpa to our home. They have arrived to help with the new baby soon to be here. They will also be on staff at BFA helping with various duties. Last night, we took my parents out to eat to celebrate my dad's birthday. It has been a long time since we have been able to be with them to celebrate his birthday. We went to a favorite resturant of his, the Greek resturant in town. During the summer when we went to Normandy, I found a book that I thought my dad would like so I saved it and gave it to him last night.

I think he liked it as it was a personal account of the invasion from the Mayor of a small village in France.
From the look of Sarah's face, I think it was a fun evening. She loves to party!

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Getting Ready

You may be able to tell by the silence that things have been busy for us around here. We are in the busy season of our semester at BFA. From now to Christmas break there are many activities that take place. I am also trying to keep our house in some sort of order before Grandma and Grandpa Bontrager arrive tomorrow. With Sarah being so active and quick and me being just the opposite with my growing tummy and aching back, I am not getting too far there. I keep telling myself only a few more weeks of discomfort and then I can get back to full energy level and carry on. So we are in the final count down of baby # 4 to make an appearance. The crib that we borrowed is put together and in the same room as Sarah. We moved Jacob and Anna back to the same room. The main issue for me now is organizing all of the clothes in the right place, I am going to wait and delegate that chore to my mom to help me. Sarah loves to take everything apart from my neat piles and mess them up. So why stress now, when I can have help and stress later! Pray for us in the next few weeks that we can handle the addition of a new baby and this busy time of the school year for us.