Toddler on the Loose
I give up, Sarah has offically begun the terrible two stage. Regularly she is pushing the boundaries that I place in front of her. She has begun the little tantrums in public places. I am almost to big to bend over and pick her up, but then my super mommy strength kicks in and somehow I have the power of ten men muscleing her outside only to pay for it in back pain for the rest of day. Today, as we were grocery shopping, she decided to pick up every single item that I placed in my shopping basket. Sometimes she would try to take a bite of the raw meat that I just ordered from the butcher. Or pick up a heavy can of vegtables. Every time I took the item away a protest would begin. Did I mention that she is fast too. Well, I turned my back one second to pick out some frozen broccoli and by the time I turned around she had taken the carton of eggs and turned the whole thing upside down displacing the eggs in my shopping basket within the shopping cart. Fortunately non broke! I don't know what I would have done if ten eggs where broken all over the floor of the store, I probably would have had a break down right then and there. I bet I would have to still ay for them too! Arrg so, I am learning again about paitience and loving a toddler again whose favorite phrase at the moment is "no mommy!"
At 3:06 PM,
Anonymous said…
Sounds like it's time to pull out those 3 small fat books on babies, toddlers, and kids (Yellow, Green, & orange covers) to see if there are any suggestions for this parenting challenge. How could such an adorable little 2 year old be causing such problems ;-)? She really is too cute for words and I think she knows it too. Wow, that could have been a real mess w/those eggs--amazing that none broke. Guess she was very gentle w/them, and just wanted to see them roll around in the basket--a great hands on physics lesson here, I would say. XO's to all
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