German Mom

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Opening Day

Today, the first day of school got underway for the 2007-08 school year. I don't who was happier for it me or the kids! Jacob is in grade 5 this year and Anna is in grade 3. I barely made it into school in time with about three minutes to spare before the start of the ceremony. I was able to get this picture of Jeff and the kids in the auditorium before everything began. Don't they look ready for another school year? Jeff was responsible for all of the seating in the auditorium. He had to make sure that everyone from the students, to staff, and parents all had a place to sit. He was only off by a few with the staff, but everyone had a place to sit.

After the opening address by the director, the kids couldn't wait to get on their bus and head off to their school a few miles away. Jacob was sent to wait for the bus and let the driver know where to park.

Anna and other students listen to a teacher read a story while waiting for the bus to arrive.

Once the bus arrives, the students eagerly get on and ride off to their first day of classes.
Now it is back to Sarah and me- Yipee! Back to a routine I am ready for it!


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