German Mom

Monday, August 06, 2007

Where have we been?

It has been awhile since my last entry. We decided to go away at the last minute and take Jim on one more trip. Can you tell where we went with some of the pictures that I posted?

We decided to drive up to take Jim to visit the sights of Normandy on the Northern French coast. This was about an 8 hour drive from our home. The weather was beautiful and the history of D-Day was very interesting to follow and experience first hand. Jacob and Anna enjoyed running in the large bombed out ditches at Point- de- hoc. As well as seeing the tanks and bunkers that still are there.

The bridge behind us is part of the famous Pegaus bridge stong hold that the British troops captured in order for the millitary to cross into Europe. Many British soliders died trying to capture this bridge from the Germans.

I think this was the most memorable trip that we have taken in a while. The history is still recent and makes you appreciate the sacrifrice of the troops to keep us safe. Anna admitted that she got depressed seeing how many died but she said that her future is now better for it.


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