Since our Halloween day is about over, but it hasn't started yet in the States I thought that I would share what we did tonight. Here in Germany, Halloween is not celebrated. They have decorations in the store but that is as far as it goes. So, we still try to pass on the traditions to our children so they can have memories.
After dinner, Jeff sat downstairs and carved the pumpkin with the kids. Sometimes Sarah was off in her little world as she did not fully understand the whole carving experience.
Now the carving and digging out the insides, the best part as far as I am concernerd. However, Sarah just couldn't bring herself to touch the goo.

Then it was time to do our "trick or treating". Everyone claimed a room and waited for someone to come by asking for a treat. We did this about four years ago and the kids begged us to do it again. They really had a fun time going door to door. After everyone had a turn they posed infront of the pumpkin ready to eat their loot. I had made a batch of carmel corn earlier in the day and we are now enjoying snacking on that and playing games. The kids get to stay up late tonight because tomorrow IS a holiday here for us- All saints day!

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