Popping Bubbles

Jeff and the kids cleaning out Spots tank last week. A few days later, Spot was no more.
Change is never easy, these next two weeks will be very emotional for many of us here at BFA. We will say many goodbyes to students and staff. Jacob and Anna will say goodbye to many of their friends. Some of their friends are moving back to America for good. Others will be going back for a year furlough which means that they will not see them for two years because then we will be gone for our year furlough. The realities of being an MK is sometimes hard for Jacob and Anna. They don't like always saying goodbye to good friends. But God has blessed our family during our eight years here and he will continue to provide for all of our needs. He will even give my children new friends! I'm glad that they have eachother to develope a close bond with too.
The four kids at the begining of church. They took up an entire row! Joshua is giving himself a pep talk saying, "don't spit up, don't spit up!"
Later in the day, I took this picture of the kids playing on Jacob's bed. Pray for us, as we have the responsibility to raise these four children up in the way of the Lord.
Sarah and Joshua enjoying a nice sunny afternoon with Grandpa Bob.
Jeff, has spent the last week running from meeting to meeting and only having enough time to kiss the kids in the morning and miss them before they head off to bed each night. Tonight, he was responsible for saying goodbye to all departing staff at BFA. We had our yearly staff dinner, it is a formal time with a nice meal at a resturant. This is a special time to thank all staff for their service at BFA. Note- all staff must raise their support to come and teach, so this is a nice little perk. Here is Jeff reading praises that he wrote for some departing staff tonight. I think he did an excellent job. Sorry that the picture is so dark.
We took advantage of a nice warm afternoon and stopped at an outside cafe on top of the castle and enjoyed a beautiful view of the city.
We enjoyed our time away it has been almost four years since we were last able to get away somewhere over night.
These are the stairs that lead up to the castle. It was quite a climb up.
I saw this man in dressed in traditonal Austrian clothing strolling down the street and decided to take a picture.