German Mom

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

The Last

I'm finding myself saying the phrase, "the last...." more and more these days. Today was the last playgroup time for Sarah. Every Wednesday this school year, we have met with other moms of preschoolers at the high school gym. For one hour, the kids can run, jump, climb,play and especially swap snacks with eachother. It has been a good outlet for me in the middle of the week to take Sarah and Joshua to. Here is Sarah posing with some of her friends from the playgroup.

Joshua has even been able to strike up a friendship with fellow baby, Rochelle three months his junior!

We have other sadder "lasts" around our home this week. On Monday, Jacob woke up to find that his pet fish "Spot" was no more. The last of the two fish we bought for the kids at Christmas past on. Jacob was very upset by it. I was a bit relieved because we were getting ready to make posters asking for someone to take care of Spot while we were in the States. I guess, God took him sooner so we wouldn't have to deal with finding him a new home.

Jeff and the kids cleaning out Spots tank last week. A few days later, Spot was no more.

Change is never easy, these next two weeks will be very emotional for many of us here at BFA. We will say many goodbyes to students and staff. Jacob and Anna will say goodbye to many of their friends. Some of their friends are moving back to America for good. Others will be going back for a year furlough which means that they will not see them for two years because then we will be gone for our year furlough. The realities of being an MK is sometimes hard for Jacob and Anna. They don't like always saying goodbye to good friends. But God has blessed our family during our eight years here and he will continue to provide for all of our needs. He will even give my children new friends! I'm glad that they have eachother to develope a close bond with too.


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