Here is a recap from our Easter Sunday spent with the Schumman family. After a nice breakfast of brotchen, and coffee, the children eagerly waited for the "Oster hassen" to hide the treats in the garden.
When it was time, the children were let loose to search for the treats.
Sarah of course didn't know what it was all about. She just played along with dad or mom and tried to look like she was having fun even though she was confused about the whole concept.
The Peter Schumman family almost 20 years after Jeff lived with them as an exchange student.
In Germany, it is tradition to decorate a bush outside or inside the home for Easter. This is called an "Oster baum". Heidi had one in her dining room.
After an afternoon rest and walk to a local playground, the family sat down to a big dinner. There were 16 of us together to enjoy wonderful food, and conversation around the table. This is where Jeff and I brought up some questions about the meaning of the ressurection and asked direct questions about their own beliefs. We got some very interesting comments.

While the adults ate and visited, Sarah and Helena ( grand daughter of Heidi and Peter) Played together.

Tomorrow, I will post some pictures of a day trip we went on to a local town.