German Mom

Friday, April 06, 2007

Birthday boy and Easter happenings

We decided to celebrate Jeff's birthday a couple of days early because we are driving to visit friends on his birthday. So, our family celebration with him was yesterday. I wanted to make sure that we had enough time to eat all of the cake before we left.

Jacob and Anna made jeff a cute card and gave him some of their cherished american candies.

We all love and appreciate Jeff. He is a great dad and husband and doesn't look a day over 36!

In other news, we colored our Easter eggs. and tried to decorate them from a kit that Grandma Sandi sent, Anna got a bit frustrated that nothing would stick on the eggs. But we tried. and still had fun. Thanks Grandma Sandi!

As I mentioned before, we are spending Easter with a family in northern Germany. So until then, I will not be able to post until we get back. I hope everyone has a wonderful Easter celebration.


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