German Mom

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Egg drop

Easter vacation has offically begun. To kick off the break, the elementary school held their annual egg drop competition. This is always done on the last day before break and the students bring to school creative containers with raw eggs in them to see if they can withstand a drop off a balcony. The night before, Anna was busy making her container with Jeff and then did a test off our balcony.

Anna was already for the event. So the next day, sarah and I met with the other parents and watched the competition. Jacob, had his own idea of how his containter should look. He made his container out of straws.

The second graders line up for their turn to drop their containers off the balcony. Anna's egg didn't break and she was so happy.

The fourth graders line up for their turn at the egg drop. For Jacob, it wasn't a happy ending, his egg didn't survive the drop.

While all the excitement was going on, I had to keep sarah content and not screaming by feeding her crackers.
Everyone got a piece of candy if their egg survived or not- so everyone is a winner! Afterwards, I let the kids play for awhile. Sarah had fun picking up rocks on one side and dropping them on the other side. This really kept her busy while I visited for awhile.

So now we are at the begining of our Easter break. Two weeks of having the kids home. To be honest, I am not prepared for this. I think because I was sick all last week. I am so far behind on my house work and now to entertain or do something "fun" as Anna puts it is just not going to happend. At least the weather is nice and I can send them outside!


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