Museum trip
Today there was no school not because it was a holiday, but because so many people were worn out from the retreat that this was considered a winter break day. We will take it and enjoy a nice family day! We decided to go to a car musuem in Mulhouse France. This was mainly because it was raining outside and we didn't want to be miserable. We were pleasently surprised by what we found.
Sarah wanted to take us for a ride in one of the cars. I'm not real sure if she knew what she was doing.

Here are the kids standing in front of the oldest car in the museum built in 1891.
What I liked about the museum is that Jacob and Anna were given a booklet as soon as we got there and told that it was a treasure hunt. They were given clues about certain cars and had to find something on the car to write down. At the end, they could solve the secret message and get a prize. This kept them busy the whole time and we didn't hear any whinning from them at all. Here they are finding a clue and using teamwork to write the message down.
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