Yesterday was a holiday here in Germany. At least that is what I thought. Yes, technically it is a holiday but only by name and those who have hang overs choose not to go into work. Stores are open which in Germay, that never happens when there is a holiday. The only thing that pointed to a holiday was no garbage pick up. Why do garbage collectors take advantage of all holidays? So, no school on Monday. Instead we found our home with six extra high school boys in the morning. Jeff had his small group over for a sleep over. They started their night with a round of go carting then donners ( Turkish food) for dinner. By the time they arrived at our home it was 9 p.m. and they were ready for a long night of RISK. I made dessert for them and made sure they had enough substance to get them through the night then I went off to bed at midnight. Jeff finally came up at 3 am and told me the game was still going on downstairs. We didn't see our first house guest until about 10:30 the next morning. After a hearty breakfast of waffles they were all on their way back to their various dorms and home work and most likely an afternoon nap.
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