Book review
About five years ago, on our furlough back to the states, I came across this book at a christian bookstore. For some reason it jumped out at me. At the time, Anna was only three and when I read the back of the book about going through this one day with her it seemed like a long way off, now we have begun to go over this book and it amazes me how much she is changing. I am convienced in this day and age our culture has stopped teaching and reinforcing Character traits and values to our girls. This book, "A girl of Beauty" addresses issues such as truthfulness, sincerity, service, respect and contentment. Each chapter has scripture and discussion questions to go over together. I wasn't sure if Anna would go for it. I thought that she may drag her feet to sit down with mom everyday for some one on one time reading a talking over these issues. It turns out that she loves it. In fact, if she had her way, we would be done with the book by now. Every morning, she brings me the book and aks to read the next chapter together. The book is geared for 8- 12 year olds so I wasn't sure if she would get the contex or not. I think once we go through the book, we will review it again in more detail when she is older.
So far we have talked about good character building in our life now by making one good decision at a time.
That the foundation of our character is truthfulness and that people will be able to trust us if we are truthful.
Everyone has a part to play in life given by God. Because my life is not to be lived for my own personal pleasure, there are times when I must be willing to sacrifice my desires for the care of others.
It is my prayer that Anna and eventually Sarah will be able to take these truths and live them out and eventually pass them on to their children.
At 10:48 PM,
Child of God said…
Maybe you should post this or some version of it on Amazon as a review. Right now, the book only has one review. Just a thought...
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