We have found ourselves in a very busy time of the year with our ministry here at BFA. The month of Feburary can be very stressful with daily work and very full with ministry responsibilities. To cap off the month, the entire high school leaves for their annual high school retreat the last weekend of the month. This year 300 students and staff were bussed up to Nurenberg, Germany. On Friday of last week, the administration felt that it would be good for the school community to have a snow day on Monday. A day for everyone to rest and get caught up from the busy month. We have had a very mild winter here and with it being March, there was no forcast for snow anywhere close to us. So, on Sunday morning with the Director of the school on his way to a week long meeting in Russia, Jeff was in charge to decide when to let word get out. He decided to give the announcement at the end of the church service. At the same time, the announcement was being made up in Nurenberg at the High school retreat. Everyone was happy to have a rest day inbetween the retreat and work week.
This morning, we woke up at our usual time and Jeff stumbled into the shower while I quickly got sarah up so she wouldn't wake Joshua. As I walked down the hallway, my eyes caught hold of something strange outside.

So much for our no snow "snow day" yesterday! Fortunately for us, the snow quickly melted and it is no more but a funny memory for us. It just goes to show you that you can get thrown a curve ball when you least expect it. It was also a good reminder for me to pray daily for Jeff as he deals with so many decisions now that affect a large group of people.