More Snow
We woke up to it snowing again this morning. By the time Jacob and Anna left for school, it had pretty muched stopped snowing but there were almost three inches on the ground. I was able to send Anna to school with a complete snow outfit (snowpants, hat, gloves). It didn't all match but she was set for a snowball filled recess at school. Jacob on the other hand had to go without the snowpants and hopefully won't come home with wet pants. Like I said before, it has been a mild winter and I didn't have all my winter gear ready to go. However, the sun came out and the clouds went away so we had this beautiful crystal blue sky and snowy back ground to enjoy. Sarah couldn't wait to go outside and make a snowman. She kept asking last night as she went to bed when it started to snow. To her delight, she was able to venture out and enjoy the snow for the first time.

Sarah's snowman that she proudly displays. It almost resembles her. She loved it so much that she wanted to give it a kiss!

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