AWANA and Walks
Well, the title of the blog expalins really what all we did this weekend. We have been experencing real consistent weather here, very mild and sunny for winter. So on Saturday, Jeff and I took the kids to a local park and walked over to the Rhine river. The Rhine is what seperates Germany, Switzerland and France. So you can see the other countries on the other side. If someone fell into the river, what language do they yell for help? Here are a few pictures of our outing.

Joshua enjoyed the sunshine and ride in the stroller. Speaking of our stroller, we bought this double one in November and had my parents bring it over with them. We like it alot but boy does it stand out over here in Germany!
There is the picture of the Rhine river. France is on the other side. Bon Jour France, Guten Tag Germany!

Sarah loved the playground. Jacob was a great help and tolerated her cries of "more" when she wanted to climb up the slide just one more time!
Anna was gone all day on Saturday. She was able to compete in the AWANA bible quiz in Heidelberg. She had to leave at 6 am to travel up. When she got home, she excitedly told us that she got thrid place for her group ( book 1) out of thirteen other teams that competed. Way to go Anna!
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