I am not sure if anyone is aware that my due date is very close or not. Even though I am still five days away from my offical due date, my past history tells me that I am over due as I have been typically 10 days early. I am getting regular contractions but they are not enough to do much. So, as the doctor keeps telling me, just wait and the baby will let you know when it is time.
So, yesterday, to keep busy, Sarah and I made some cookies. I haven't been able to get much into the Christmas mood yet. I have some decorations up but we have yet to even think about when to go out and buy our tree and set that up. I have yet to even start any Christmas shopping and at this point I think I will leave it up to Jeff to handle it all. After all, I am giving the kids a new baby for Christmas this year! But yesterday I forced myself to get into the holiday mood by playing Christmas music while we made cookies. Here is Sarah helping me by mixing the batter.
Then I caught her in the act of tasting the batter and enjoying it a little too much!

Even in this waiting phase, life still goes on for us. Yesterday after the first batch of cookies came out, Sarah and I sampled one and as soon as I took my first bite, part of a tooth broke off! I had a sharp gaping hole in my tooth and had to go to the dentist this morning for him to give me a temporary filling. I starting feeling some contractions but he was very fast and I told him that he finished before my next contraction started up, I think I scared him with that statement! Jacob also stayed home from school today because of a headache and fever so the kids are all dealing with normal life things as well. This weekend, is full of sleepover birthday activities, home basketball games, and a big school Christmas concert that Jeff is suppose to play in. Do you think we can squeeze in a time to have a baby too? We will see!