Update on Sarah
Sarah is only ten days away from turning 11 months. It seems that this past week, she has hit a big development milestone. She has figured out how to crawl and taken 12 un-aided steps too! Her crawling resembles a crab but she is covering some ground fast. She will now follow me through the house. Yesterday she was very determined to walk everywhere. She practiced non stop all evening after dinner. We all took turns walking with her. She just couldn't get enough of it. So, when it was time for Jeff and I to wash the days dishes, I took Sarah downstairs and put Jacob and Anna in charge of her. We got busy with our chore and when I was done, I thought that it was pretty quiet downstairs. Usually, Jacob comes running up and tells me that Sarah is crying. So I went downstairs and found Sarah sleeping sweetly on her big sister's lap.

I asked Anna how Sarah got on her lap and she told me that Sarah kept rubbing her eyes so she picked her up and wrapped her in the blanket which she quickly fell asleep. I guess she was worn out from all that walking.

I asked Anna how Sarah got on her lap and she told me that Sarah kept rubbing her eyes so she picked her up and wrapped her in the blanket which she quickly fell asleep. I guess she was worn out from all that walking.
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