Lost in Translation
Life in a foreign Country can be stressful sometimes. It can also be humerous sometimes. It appears that Germans like to throw English phrases into their products and into their culture from time to time. In our town of 6,000 people where BFA is located there is even a business with a sign posted on their door that reads "We speak English!". When I see that, I start to laugh but then I remember every time we fly back to the States for a visit there seems to be more and more signs that read "We speak Spanish". Could the English language be slowly dying in America? Something to think about. The Germans I think enjoy finding uses for the English phrases. An example is a popular toilet paper in Germany. The brand is called simply "Happy End". I wonder if it is as funny to Germans as it is to us. Sometimes I look around my shoulder as I pull it off the counter to see if any fellow missionaries are by me laughing because they know that my "end" will soon be happy once I get home.
I will leave you with a photo of a typical driving situation that we face when ever we go into France. We don't go over there much and I think there is a reason for that! What would you do?
I will leave you with a photo of a typical driving situation that we face when ever we go into France. We don't go over there much and I think there is a reason for that! What would you do?

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