Random question
Here is a fun question that I would like everyone's input. When do you start listening to Christmas music? Have some of you already secretly pulled out your favorite cd's and started to listen? I must admit, that I have tuned into a favorite web radio site and listen for an afternoon already. Maybe it is because it is getting really cold out and the sight of frost makes me want to listen to "It's begining to look a lot like Christmas". Or the fact that every morning now I must get Jacob and Anna dressed in their winter hat, gloves, and boots before they leave for school. I am interested in hearing what your thoughts are!
At 6:44 AM,
Child of God said…
The day after Thanksgiving.
At 12:39 PM,
Anonymous said…
hmmm....I think I would be most likely to listen to Christmas music in the month of December, just because it seems like the whole month is just leading up to Christmas. But I think the true message of Christmas is true all year long, so I think it's okay to listen to it any time. Actually I have a large collection of random music that I keep on my work computer (left over from the Napster days) that I will listen to when I'm trying to block out the office noise. It has a good number of Christmas tunes mixed in by various artists. So I guess I do listen to it all year long. And there's nothing wrong with that :) Merry Christmas!
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