Saint Martin Tag
November 11th is Saint Martin Tag (day) here in Germany. Although it is not an offical holiday here, children still remember Saint Martin by marching around the streets at night carrying lanterns and singing songs about him. This is the one event where BFA joins with the German grade school and participates together. Every year I learn more about this Saint. For instance, just this week someone told me that the reason why stores display gooses and bakeries sell breads in the shape of geese is because as the story goes, Saint Martin did not want to be made into a saint so he hid with the geese.
Now, I do not know all the history of Saint Martin but it is a big event in our area of Germany to celebrate him. This was our seventh year to go through town carring lanterns. I was not really excited about it. But I wanted to capture the moment for the blog. Well, in getting three kids out the door, I forgot my camera! So, pictures of last year march will have to do. Here I am lighting Jacob and Anna's latern before the march through town.
Now, I do not know all the history of Saint Martin but it is a big event in our area of Germany to celebrate him. This was our seventh year to go through town carring lanterns. I was not really excited about it. But I wanted to capture the moment for the blog. Well, in getting three kids out the door, I forgot my camera! So, pictures of last year march will have to do. Here I am lighting Jacob and Anna's latern before the march through town.
Anna was already to March through town and lead the way with her class. Here she is holding her teacher's hand.
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