Elementary Christmas concert
On Thursday night, Jacob and Anna took part in their very first Christmas concert. We were very excited to see our kids on stage performing their little hearts out. In the German system they never had a Christmas concert so this was very special to us. Anna kept cracking us up as she stood in the front row singing her best and then being the only one that bowed at the end of each number then she would hold up her fingers and count how many more numbers she had left to sing. What a ham!
Jacob was more laid back in his performance. He enjoyed singing with his 4th grade class in the song "Wassel, Wassel". 
After the concert, I was able to get a nice pose of them together on stage. Then it was off to our friends the Evans house for some hot apple cider and cookies. Anna was going to have her first sleep over at the Evans house with her friend Caylie. She was very excited. We did not bring Sarah with us because the concert started at 7:30 and that is when she normally goes to bed. We had our favorite babysitter Christine come over and stay with Sarah. A fun night was had by all. Now all we need is some snow for it to really feel like Christmas!

After the concert, I was able to get a nice pose of them together on stage. Then it was off to our friends the Evans house for some hot apple cider and cookies. Anna was going to have her first sleep over at the Evans house with her friend Caylie. She was very excited. We did not bring Sarah with us because the concert started at 7:30 and that is when she normally goes to bed. We had our favorite babysitter Christine come over and stay with Sarah. A fun night was had by all. Now all we need is some snow for it to really feel like Christmas!

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