German Mom

Friday, December 15, 2006

Did he really say that?

As a parent, you always wonder at what age do your children start to associate good words from bad. At least, this is something that I think about from time to time. Protecting our children from the ways of the world is hard. Now living oversees and having limited ability to view american tv shows it would seem easy to avoid. Even sending our children to a small christian international school would seem even easier. Then there are movies. We have noticed lately that animated cartoon features are laced with adult inuendos that children wouldn't neccesarily catch. Not a classic movie right? Wrong. The other night, we started our christmas celebration by watching a classic, "A Christmas Story". You know the one where the boy wants a BB gun. We love that movie. However, there is a scene where the boy is trying to decode a message from his favorite show. He rushes upstairs and into the quiet of the family bathroom to discover what this important message is. His adrenaline is pumping until he finishes the message and to his dismay, reads a lousy commerical for Olvatine. In his frustration, he says a bad word. Jacob and Anna were watching this with us. After the boy says the phrase- son of a ----. Jacob looked up to us and said, "Stuck in a ditch! Why would he say that?" Jeff quickly responded with out cracking up by saying that you say this phrase when you are really frustrated. Praise the Lord that our children are still protected! Now Jeff and I say that phrase to each other when we get frustrated because it is so classic. "Stuck in a ditch!"


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