A New Horizon

God is bringing our family to a new chapter in our lives. We are moving back to the States indefinitely this June. It is official I guess, since I am posting it here. The Lord has guided our paths and is clearly showing us that our time here in Germany, at least for now, has come to an end. The reasons for why this has happened is not so important, but rather the journey that both Jeff and I have traveled on as we have individually and together sat and prayed and seen the Lord's hand clearly guide us. Through this journey, we have felt totally at peace no matter what the outcome. There is nothing but peace when you know you are following in the will of the Lord! So we are extremely grateful for the nine years of missionary service here in Germany. Just as we are extremely grateful to have a place to return back to in Oregon. We feel so blessed.
Please pray for our transition back in June. We must say goodbye to some good friends here both to us and our children. Jeff will be in Oregon from March 5th- March 12th for a final job interview with a school. Pray for clarity for both Jeff and those who want to hire him.
Just because we are heading back doesn't mean that I will stop blogging, I just may need to change the name of my blog!
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