AWANA Bible Quiz
On Saturday Anna and I got up early so we could travel to the AWANA Bible Quiz. It was held close to the Ramstein millitary Base about a three hour drive from us. Anna was competing in Book 2 with another team member from BFA. I went to give her moral support. Here are a few pictures from the day.

Anna waiting for her turn to quiz.
On the way home, we all got a special treat of eating at Burger King for Lunch. It was a good day, and I was happy to spend it just with Anna.
Anna waiting for her turn to quiz.
Anna participating in the multiple choice part of the quizzing. She got every question correct!
Anna taking part in the buzzer portion of the quizzing.
The end result, out of seven teams quizzing in Book two, Anna and her partner, Ian placed 4th!
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