German Mom

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Family Conversations

Sarah: Daddy will you read me a book?

Jeff: Sure Sarah how about this one. (He picks up a book in another language)

Jeff: Do you know what language this book is in?

Jacob: I'll give you a hint, it starts with a "G" and ends in "erman".

This morning there was another cute conversation at breakfast.

Sarah: When I grow up I want to be like you mommy, and daddy, and Jacob and Anna.

Me: Really! Wow that is really sweet Sarah.

Me: What part of Daddy do you want to be like?

Sarah: Well, actually I don't want to be like daddy. I don't want to have a beard.


  • At 12:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Kathy, These are very cute and priceless converstations. It's good to document them here for future memories. I read another blog where the mom shares conversations between her and her twin boys and actually writes out everything phonetically just as the 4 year old boys pronounce it. It is sometimes a challenge to interpret, but if you sound it out, it becomes quite clear. xo, sab


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