Snow Everywhere
We have had solid snow for a week now. As I write this, it continues to snow pretty heavy outside. We have not cancelled school though as our students are busy taking their mid- terms. Most of our students fly out early Saturday to spend the three week break with their families all over Europe and the Middle East. Please pray that they will have safe travels as the weather is not very good here. Anyway, Jeff barely made it up our hill to pick us up this morning for our play time at the school gym. I then hung out until the middle school finished up their day at 12:30. More snow is forcasted for us tomorrow but I am afraid that it will all disappear by Christmas. Still, I would like to offer some beautiful images of what we have been able to enjoy this past week. For our family and friends in Salem, i'm sorry if you are tired of snow too, but realize that this is good hearty German snow in our pictures.

On Saturday, we had a break in the weather with beautiful blue skies. I made the kids go outside and play in the snow. Temps have stayed below freezing all week, but I think we should warm back up and it will all be a memory by Christmas sniff, sniff.
Saturday morning the girls enjoy a brisk rest on our balcony bundled up with a blanket to enjoy the pretty snow scene.
I have been enjoying this view from my big picture windows in our living room and our deck all week. The snow has never fallen off the trees- just amazing!
At 8:33 PM,
Anonymous said…
Looks like we've experienced similar weather both in Michigan and snow expected here in Rdg. & PC tonite. I'm about ready to holler "uncle".
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