Local Christmas Market and happenings
Last week, our local village opened their Christmas market. It is in the center of town and there are a few traditonal booths selling Ghulewein and wurst. On Opening night, BFA's music program was invited to share some songs with the German crowd. The middle school choir performed a few numbers so I was on hand to stand in the cold and listen to Jacob sing.
The main road through town is lit up with the same Christmas wreaths every year. They are very festive and remind of the city center from the movie "its a wonderful life." Our town has a nice cozy small town feel to it.

Jacob's class performing some festive songs as German children listen to the english words.
Joshua seemed to have a look of disgust on his face wondering why there would be peanuts in his shoe. He just didn't get the excitment of the moment.

Jacob's class performing some festive songs as German children listen to the english words.
The next day was St. Nickolaus Tag. All children place their shoes outside of their door and the next morning they find treats inside of them. Sarah really got into it this year.

We even put up our Christmas tree. We had wanted to go and chop it down at a local tree farm, but it was a very rainy weekend so we wimped out and ran down to the local hardware store and got one instead. Sarah got to put the Angel up this year.

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