Sarah's Big day
Today, Sarah turned three! She was very excited all day to celebrate. She helped me make her special birthday cupcakes in the morning and waited paitently for her party until everyone got home from work and school. 
We let Sarah open her gifts while the grandparents got to view and chat with her via SKYPE. She received many special gifts just what she wanted.

Then came cake time. She insisted to wear her new Dora nightgown the rest of the night. She did really well with blowing out her candles this year.

Joshy sure liked his cupcake and downed it in record time.
So ends a special day for our now three year old. Next year there will be a new celebration in a new country!
Jeff stopped on his way home and bought Sarah some flowers. She felt very special to get something so pretty from daddy. I thought that was very sweet of him.
Before we started dinner, we made Sarah wear her special birthday hat with her favorite cartoon person on it- Dora. She was very happy to see her!
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