Why we are here
Some missionaries live in deserts, some in tiny apartments in huge cities, and some in places where the heat never dips below 95 degrees. Some missionaries get hot water from a wood fire and a 55- gallon drum. Some live in countries where the roads are mud three months of the year. Some have been working for years only to see a handful of converts. Being a missionary is mentally taxing, physically demanding and emotionally draining. Yet the unmet needs of their own children is the most common factor that will lead them to give up and leave their fields. And that is why BFA exists. We are here at BFA so that missionaries in over 40 countries can help....
- Turkish orphans
- Mongolian farmers
- Eitiopian homeless
- Afghan & Iraqi refugees
- African aids patients
- Russian atheists
- German motorcycle gangs
- French intellectuals
- Italian Cataholics
- National pastors in Russia
- National German Churches
- A Christian bookstore in Israel
When school started up for BFA this year, 300 Moms and Dads said their goodbyes to their sons and daughters. Missionaries don't get used to it, they don't become detached and it never gets any easier. They may not get to see their children's piano recital, first volleyball game, or drama production. They might not get to have face to face teacher conferences, help their chidren with school project. They may not get to share in their children's first romance, build them up after they have been knocked down, or watch them grow into a deeper walk with Christ. Obvioously, there are some very compelling reasons for missionaries not send their children to boarding school. So why do they choose to go throught this incredibly difficult spearation by sending their children to Black Forest Academy?
- The education they can't get for their children near home.
- The extra-curricular activities at BFA that will help make their children well-rounded
- The safety and security that BFA provides their children.
- The sound biblical principles their children will learn from BFA's facutly and staff.
But one of the most important reasons is this: Our students' partent believe in God... and they believe in us! They believe God has called us to be here. They believe we love their children almost as much as they do. They believe we will do the aboslute best job we can to care for and educate their child. They have taken those they love the most and given them to us. They trust us with their children. What an awesome responsibility we have! When God called us to BFA, He called us not just to teach, coach, administer or maintain a school, but to help parent the children of missionaries. He called us to do for these kids what their parents can't be here to do. Of all the billions of people in the world, Gad called us to serve Him here... to be not only a part of their education, but also a part of their lives.
At 12:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
Thanks, Kathy, for sharing this and reminding us why we are so proud and blessed to be your parents and grandparents to your precious children. May God continue to use you all to accomplish His perfect will and plan.
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