Fall Party
On Friday, we attending the High School fall party at BFA. It is always a fun night with a special dress up theme. ( Think Christian Halloween party). This years theme was "commericals". We decided to go dress up as Hallmark greeting cards. We had fun seeing the other creative ideas that students had. There were several Ronald McDonnalds and other familiar characters. Here is our family dressed up and Sarah who we decided to go as the "Energizer Bunny". Unfortunately, my batteries ran out on my camera so I was only able to get a couple pictures. Hopefully, you can get a sampling of the evening. Jeff even went on stage and competed in a staff vs. dorm staff push-up contest. Who do you think won?
Here is a group of students dressed up as the "Mario video game". Jacob reconized them right away. The guy in the middle is on of our C&MA kids, Spencer Simon. He did a good job acting out Mario.
At 6:30 AM,
Anonymous said…
Kathy, It blesses my G'ma's heart to see Sarah in those pink bunny ears. Wonder what silly person might have sent her those on her very first Easter :-). All of you looked so "commercial-like". Very creative and cute idea. Next time you'll all have to dress up as the CA Raisin gang from the '80's. Are you old enuf to remember them? Ask Jeff if he does and John & Joe wearing purple balloons one Halloween.
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