The bubble
When I was in college I often heard the term living in the Biola bubble. Feeling shut off from the "real world" living in a small community where I learned, worked, ate and worshiped together with other Biolans. Now, here I am hearing the term BFA bubble. Now, our family has not always been so into the BFA bubble. That phrase more reflects the students perspective. After all, we have lived here over 8 years. The average family stays on only two years. I think mainly due to the burnout of intense ministry with in the bubble and never taking the time to get to know the German culture which is very rich and allows for some great cross cultural experiences. All that to say, we are finding ourselves now slowly switching to the bubble more these days thanks to Jacob and his activities in Middle school. He LOVES middle school and is fitting right in. This week, I attended his first two soccer games after school on the outside court yard of the main campus. Because the weather was perfect everyone from the bubble was there hanging out and visiting.

Anna and best friend Caylie greet Joshua afterschool. Caylie loves to help take care of Joshua.
Even though Sarah doesn't look happy, she was so excited to be playing with her friends. Here "best friend" Katie and two big girls from Jacob's class Britta and Hannah always make her feel special. The girls are carrried around too like that for most of the time.
Some video of Jacob playing his soccer game against another middle school team.
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