Fathers Day and Birthday Happenings
This has been a good week for blogging. Unfortantely, I have not been near my computer to do so. As a result, I will work backwards to fill in the gaps of the past week. I am starting with today, Fathers day AND my birthday today! Yep, I turned 36 today, wow, can't believe it but so far I have been too busy to notice the aches in my back it will probably hit me in the morning.

I couldn't ask for a better day to celebrate and share with Jeff -a wonderful husband and father! We had fun trying to make the other feel more special today but I think we both turned out to feel equally loved.
As for today, we enjoyed a nice family day after a hectic week of having house guests and the comings and goings of many activities it was just nice to be as a family and go for a drive and picnic. After picking up Subway sandwhiches, we drove about 25 minutes to a quaint town on the boarder of Germany and Switzerland and ate on the Rhien river with the view of an old cover bridge that you can walk across to connect the two countries.
The kids had fun walking around and seeing all the sights of the area. I had to get a picture of the three of them by the wall. Soon, there will be a fourth one to welcome into our family.
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